torsdag den 14. januar 2010

Re:JAMES IS - western leather belt

Eudo, sorry, but I do find this woman Butch and plain. Hey, she's free to tell me the same thing too! People are still tearing apart my beloved Hunter, so I don't see the need to keep my views about Katie to myself. The old Ivy Skywalker is dead and replaced by Ivy Vader. LOL. It's weird because I think that KKL is BEAUTIFUL; more beautifulthan my dear Hunter [but you won't see me saying it about " Brooke" ] and Jennifer Gareis is stunning/sexy. Last week I had decided to dump BB because I was SICK of the vain crap that keeps coming out of Katie's mouth; then I thought about it and decided that: why should I dump the show just because this particular person annoys me? Sorry Eudo, for being a flip flopping Pisces but I never found her attractive even in her days as Victoria on YR. My opinion of her never changed even when she came to BB, but since she was always on the backburner it wasn't that irritating. To me, she is not suitable for the role that they have always put her in. I don't think she has the goods to be a LOWgan sister. I don't know exactly how to put it, but have you ever encountered a person/stranger for the FIRST time and IMMEDIATELY take a dislike to him/her, even before the stranger opens his/her mouth? LOL. That's how I feel about her. And Iam SURE there are and WILL be people who will feel the same about ME from the first sight; that's the way it goes sometimes, and I can live with it; so why can't plate face? I have come to accept and respect the fact that everybody in the world has the right to say who they find ugly and who they find pretty; since beauty will always be in the eyes of the beholder!

I have never warmed to the woman at all. Same goes for Eileen Davidson who plays Ashley. And Jennifer Lopez too. I remember some friends of mine being so shocked that I would dislike JLo, since my mother is hispanic but it doesn't work that way. I remember being so HAPPY to see that Ben Afleck had gotten involved with the beautiful and classy Jennifer Garner. And I find George Clooney and Benjamin Bratt sexy while my cousin finds them ugly. Just like I find Brad Pitt plain and she adores him. I go gaga over Keanu Reeves and ALL my female friends/relatives say he is annoying, unattractive, can't act etc.... It's rare for me to be like this about persons/strangers. I don't feel this way about KKL, JG, JMCOOK, RM, AJ and all of the others. But Heather Tom has ALWAYS been an actress that annoys me. " Sorry Heather, but I can't help it! I don't like you and never will !" I a

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